
Private Supply Chain using Chainlink CCIP

Private Supply Chain using Chainlink CCIP

Our submission for Chalink Constellation Hackathon 2023. Implemented a supply chain scenario using Chainlink's CCIP protocol and Circom's ZK circuits to enable a private supply chain solution.

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Crowdsourcing on Algorand

Crowdsourcing on Algorand

Submission for Algorand foundation's Mega Ace Hackathon project. Implemented a full-stack app that uses Algorand as the backend for creating arbitrary data repositories that can receive submissions from anyone on the blockchain.

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Robust Federated Learning

Robust Federated Learning

Class project for Security and Privacy of Machine Learing. Built a framework mimicing pytorch API to implement aggregator functions and simulate federated learning situations with delays in client updates. Also implemented a new aggregation method using Agglomerative Clustering, as well as designing/implementing an improved version of staleness weighting function.

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Clean My Web (WIP)

Clean My Web (WIP)

Class project for AI and Blockchain. Developed a chrome extension that can insert html into google search results and filters "spam" results. Uses Ethereum Network (currently Goerli testnet) to store user labeled data to update the shared model.

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Understanding Perception of Gerrymandering

Understanding Perception of Gerrymandering

Built a website using google sheets API to collect responses for people's perception of Gerrymandering. Also built a tool for creating custom maps.

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Critical Infrastructures of Northeastern US

Critical Infrastructures of Northeastern US

Class project for Xinformatics. Worked with a team to gather various geographic data on the northeastern region to create a regression model of possible landslide danger to the power infrastructures of Northeastern US. Built an interactive platform to view each infrastructures and also filter by danger level/state region.

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