Published onFebruary 27, 2024Project: Data Distillation for Tabular Dataprojecttabular-dataPresentation of the Data Distillation for Tabular Data project at AAAI-24
Published onDecember 12, 2023Project: Private Supply Chain using Chainlink CCIPprojectchainlinkCCIPhackathonsolidityZKPCross link private Supply -- Chainlink Constellation Hackation 2023 submission
Published onApril 25, 2023Project: Robust Federated Learningprojectfederated-learningagglomerative-clusteringpytorchsklearnBuilt a framework for simluating federated learning in realistic scenarios
Published onApril 16, 2023Project: Crowdsourcing on Algorand (Algorand Mega Ace Hackathon)projectalgorandtealbeakerreacthackathonAn open data repository hosted on the Algorand Blockchain
Published onJanuary 4, 2023Project: Clean My WebprojectsoliditycrowdsourcingChrome extension to interact with Ethereum smart contracts
Published onApril 23, 2022Project: Critical Infrastructures of Northeastern USprojectreactreduxleafletBuilt a map viewer website to display potential risks to critical infrastructures of Northeastern US
Published onApril 9, 2022Project: Crowdsourcing Perceptions of GerrymanderingprojectreactsklearncrowdsourcingBuilt a website to conduct a survey on people's perception of Gerrymandering